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•   Roland Duquette (Duquette)  10/23
•   Rebecca Campbell (Edwards)  8/26
•   Mona Leonard (Leonard)  8/22
•   Joni Parsons (Robishaw)  3/30
•   Wanda Coles (Kountz)  3/30
•   Michael Herrington  5/21
•   James Cummings  7/20
•   Sherry Lawnichak  7/19
•   Terry Oswald  7/19
•   Colleen Tharin (Rice)  4/6
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•   Michael Roy  9/23
•   Michael Herrington  9/26

Finally had time to convert the entire June 1997 20th Class Reunion VHS tape done by First Class Reunion Company to YouTube. 

Saturday evening photos/party = 1 hour & 3 minutes, Sunday BBQ  23 minutes then #1 songs of 1977. Then at 1.28 is a 20 minute video of old JIL school grounds and 1977 yearbook clips.  



See the pictures of the October 6th to 8th  2018 JIL ALL CLASS "SENIOR" SKIP DAY/FALL GETAWAY In the Lancer Photo Gallery Tab.  Held at the Forrest Hills Resort in Dahlonega, GA. This resort is owned by David F Kraft and Michele Kraft DeBlois. David is a 1977 graduate of JIL Website.
Facebook page:

The FACEBOOK page for Senior Skip day is:


A great BIG Thank you to Cindy Gardner who sent me a pile of Knight Times the JIL newsletter. Finally got them scanned and uploaded here and also on the JIL Facebook site. Click links below to open in pdf format. You can use the pdf tools to turn vertical and enlarge to read. (may not work on Chrome - try IE) Enjoy the walk down memory lane!!

November 1976:


May & October 1976



Click HERE for Class of 77 - 35th Reunion from 9/1/12 photos on Facebook.

 Also see the Lancer Photo Gallery Tab on the top left hand corner of this page to see all of the 35th Class of 1977 Reunion Luncheon photos.


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