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10/06/08 05:29 PM #1    

Christina Eisbach

If anyone has photos of school events or memorable moments and would like them posted on the web site as graphics please send them to Christina at

I'm also looking for pictures of Chad Schubert and Chuck Miller if anyone has any.

11/06/08 12:31 PM #2    

JoAnn Furlong (Garza)

Thanks Christina. That is a great idea.

12/01/08 01:58 PM #3    

JoAnn Furlong (Garza)

We are looking for ideas for the reunion. Do we want to do a sit down type of dinner or just appetizers and conversation? Any thoughts on where we might hold this event? Send us your ideas so we can begin the planning and get a date for everyone to put on their calendar. Thanks - JoAnn

12/09/08 02:54 PM #4    

Andy Hilliard

my two cents - a formal dinner may be a little too much. Food and conversation is always great. Outdoors?

Just not at the Felt Manor - that place is haunted!

: ) good hearing from you guys....


01/18/09 11:04 AM #5    

JoAnn Furlong (Garza)


Thank you for the note. We are leaning in that direction - snacks and conversation. That gives us all to catch up and laugh a little about the crazy things we did 20 years ago. The planning committee is getting together next weekend and hopefully we will be able to give everyone a day in the next 2 weeks so plans can be made. Probably late July or early August before the kids go back to school. I will get the info posted as soon as I know it.

Have a great day!!!

02/10/09 10:07 AM #6    

Christina Eisbach

Personally three days is too much. I'm up for a Friday night bon fire with some drinks and food. Maybe everyone brings a dish to pass and their own meat and we do a very informal BBQ. Sit around the fire and just hang out. If anyone plays guitar and wants to bring it feel free.

Drinks at the Elks is okay I suppose. Is there a different place we could go instead of the Elks unless it is already set? The atmosphere just isn't there in my opinion. But I'll be there regardless. What about the second level of One Eleven Main? I'd be happy to talk to Jack Coulter and see what the cost would be for some simple food and cash bar of course. What are we paying for the Elks?

Just my two cents.

02/11/09 03:21 PM #7    

Andy Hilliard

Hey Guys,

How is this funded and what kind of response have you had so far? I have no clue about local eateris so I can't comment on the Elks but any place for Friday night that may have a private area so as not to bother other patrons seems reasonable. If you could post accomodations in the area that would be helpful too.

I imagine Sunday would be a day of travel for some? A Saturday event for the kids is an option?

my two cents - now you almost have a Nickle.

02/11/09 11:16 PM #8    

Christina Eisbach

This is off the subject but I think we need to try to get some more people interested or aware of this site and event. A lot of classmates' families and relatives still live in the area. Maybe placing an ad in the Gazette to notify people of the site or actually calling would be beneficial. I've been trying to find as many people as possible through FB (hola, Drew). I've told almost everyone. Any ideas or suggestions?

02/12/09 10:22 AM #9    

Frank Flack

Hey all,

Good work on bringing the site up to get everyone together!

I like what I am hearing on your plans thus far, and feel that in many respects you are on the right track. As far as getting a lot of feedback/suggestions, If this runs like any of the other events I've done...few are going to really get involved until the end. Hopefully I am wrong about that. Just lay plans as you are an the event will be's about getting together, sharing memories and telling new tales. Not re-creating a presidential ball of some sort. No matter what is done, there will be nay-sayers.

I enjoy hearing about the Rec. Park option and think that it is excellent to bring the kids. I also like the concept of a bonfire, however would like to bring up that weather can leave people scrambling. Perhaps, for some of our class-mates, a less environmentally-challenged location could be good.

I never know where or when I am, but I am close (for now) gimme a yell if you'd like help.

B Cool,
oh yeah...this is my 1 cent so we can round out Andrews 4 cents to an even nickel...the treasury is building.

02/13/09 04:26 PM #10    

JoAnn Furlong (Garza)

Drew: Basically the "event" or weekend will be funded by those who attend. Currently our costs our basically almost nothing. The Elks costs nothing and it would only be the cost of the appetizers. And then if we do a Sunday thing with the kids, we figured we would order subs from Subway and I can't imagine as a group that that would cost much either. I will also post accommodations in the next couple of weeks. I hope to get a block of rooms at Country Inn and the Ramada.

Everyone: We considered doing a dinner, but got some negative feedback on cost 5 years ago. That is why we have eliminated the dinner thing. So if there are people you have not seen and want to get some extra time with, send out an e-mail or post the info and plan to meet somewhere in town for dinner.

I could get us a pretty good deal at Fried Green if people wanted a more formal atmosphere. We just felt the Elks was quiet and provided more than enough room to allow people to move around and talk. We didn't feel like hiring a DJ was worth the cost. If people want to head to Gobbies or somewhere else later in the evening, that is a possibility.

Again, keep up the dialog and maybe something extra exciting will come out of it. An ad will go in the Gazette in the coming weeks to try and get some more interest in the website.

Thanks everyone!! I guess that is my 3 cents worth so we are upto 8 now:-)

02/23/09 03:35 PM #11    

Bill Wirtz

Hey Everyone,

Good job so far setting this thing up. Man, we're getting old! Let me know if I can be of any help. Can't wait to see everyone!


05/13/09 03:54 AM #12    

Michelle Schultz (Leitzinger)

Hey everybody! Thanks for your input so far! We are getting close and I hope that you are all planning on attending the reunion. Any questions, please feel free to call # is (815)335-3036. Would love to hear from you, or you can always post things here. A BIG thanks to JoAnn for all of her time and dedication to planning this event. Things are falling into place and she has done a GREAT job with it all! Hope to see you all soon! :)

06/05/09 11:36 AM #13    

JoAnn Furlong (Garza)

I COULD USE YOUR HELP. I would like to try and put together a slide show on the computer of pictures from High School. If you have pictures that you would be willing to include in the slide show, please scan them and e-mail them to me at Or if you do not have the ability to scan and e-mail them to me, you can send the originals and I will get them back to you at the reunion. I think this "project" would give us all something to giggle about looking at ourselves 20 years ago.


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