Not a member?
Find and click on your name.



Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Arizona
6 live in California
3 live in Colorado
7 live in Connecticut
8 live in Florida
2 live in Georgia
3 live in Illinois
1 lives in Maine
2 live in Maryland
7 live in Massachusetts
2 live in Michigan
1 lives in Missouri
3 live in New Hampshire
3 live in New Jersey
27 live in New York
6 live in North Carolina
3 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
1 lives in South Carolina
4 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
2 live in Virginia
2 live in Washington
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in Spain
1 lives in United Kingdom
65 location unknown


•   Johanna Day  2/22
•   Ralph Milite  2/26
•   Mary Garcia  2/29
•   Vanessa Lutey (Radford)  3/3
•   John McLean  3/3
•   David Ward  3/7
•   Lucille deZalduondo (Briance)  3/10
•   Kim Manser (Hofmann)  3/12
•   Pete Bevis  3/18


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 63.1%

A:   111   Joined
B:   65   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Jeff Herbert  2021
•   Troy McIntryre  2020
•   Henry Kunkel  2019
•   Jack Kebler  2015

    Welcome to the Bronxville High

Class of 1971 Web Site



50th Class Reunion !
October 7-10th 2021

  Join us for a fun filled weekend of reminiscing and reuniting with old friends. Events are shown below 


(Instructions for accessing this site are at the bottom of this page)

 There is an easy login. Please fill out your Profile with as much or as little information as you like but remember, many of your friends are not up to date on your activities over the past 40 years and letting them know what you have been up to will provide a lot of common ground for communication now and at the reunion. Enjoy yourself while writing a bit about what you've been up to. But remember, after you input your profile information hit the "SAVE CHANGES" button at the BOTTOM of the page otherwise your inputs or changes will be lost.


(Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any problems with the site)


Schedule of Reunion Events

Thursday, October 7th 2021  
8:30pm - Early arrivals meet at Pete's Place

Friday, October 8th 2021
6:00pm - Party at Fogerty's with Class of 1970 and some members of the Class of 1972   (nice casual dress)

        Saturday, October 9th 2021

9:55 am - Tour of the Bronxville School by the Bronxville School Foundation (Bring mask)                         

12:30am - Lunch at Fogerty's and Pete's

2:30 pm -  Walking Tour of Bronxville (Led by Steve Saudek) Meet at Langes Delicatessen 94 Pondfield Rd)

4:00 pm Possible Flag football and basketball at the Bronxville High School.

5:30 PM - SIWANOY - (Dress: jacket or collared shirt, no denim, no sneakers)

7:15 pm  - Group Picture, all Class Members (including those that didn't attended but didn't graduate with us.

7:00 pm - 8:00pm Music

7:00 pm - 12 pm - Buffet Dinner Siwanoy Country Club - Main Ballroom (no host bar)     

(Siwanoy policy is that they ask you to bring a mask if your are not vaccinated)

Sunday - October 10th 2021

10:00 am Breakfast - The Bronxville Diner 112 Kraft Ave Bronxville

10:00 am - Breakfast -  Pondfield Cafe - 3 Pondfield Road West Bronxville

10:00 am The Village Cafe 143 Parkway Road, Bronxville




The pages within the site are completely password protected and anything you put on the site is NOT visible on the internet or with a google search.

To continue to access the features of this site which will include; the future comments of classmates, the pictures that they upload, updates, reunion information, classmate directory, your profile and many others, please  register now. It only takes a few seconds.

To protect our classmates and guests, you will need to set up a profile. Access can be gained to all the links by registering and creating your own personal password. It's easy, free and secure!

1. Go to Home Page (box for "home" page is toward the lower left side of all pages)                                                                            

2. In the upper right corner of the home page, select "JOIN HERE"                                                             

3. Simply find your name under Classmate Profiles, click on your name and follow the prompts!   VERY EASY ! BUT REMEMBER THE SAVE CHANGES BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OR YOUR INPUTS WILL BE LOST.                                                                                                                         

If we have an email for you, use that as your log-on and create your own password and profile. (you should write the password down). If we don't have your email or if it has changed, send an email to and we will input the email you send for your use as a log-on. Then go back on the site and do steps 1-3.  

If you are from a class either earlier or later than 1971 or if you are a teacher and would like to join, please send an email to
This site has been created just for our class. You can set your own security settings as you choose and this site takes great care not to publish or disclose any private information. The site has no advertising or pop-ups, it has a high grade spam filter and it is secure. So no worries! Raise a hand if you need help!
Please look over the Missing Classmates List. This is not really a list of missing classmates at the moment. It is a list of classmates that have not yet registered. There are a lot since the site just started. This list will change as folks register. If you have an email address, enter it on the right and an invitation will be sent. If everyone finds a few friends and encourages them to sign in, we can stay in touch and reduce mailings!

If you would like to get involved with the reunion, we would love to have the help as well as fresh ideas, especially if you have technology experience. Anyway, thanks to you all and please check back again frequently as the events expand for our 40th Reunion in September!