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02/05/09 01:45 PM #189    

Tracy Zumbaum (Head)

I have an IPOD that I was going to have some music playing at the reunion until the DJ begins at 8pm, but I need a speaker/dock system to set it up. If anyone has one that we can use that night that would be great. Email me....thanks so much

02/05/09 10:27 PM #190    

Tina Courtoise (Masiero)

Mike and Chris, I just want you to know that you have done a great job with the site for photos. I'm working on trying to get you more photos for the slide show. Charlene is also going to use some of the photos for place mats for the tables at the reunion as well so if you get any new photos please let me know if you will.
Once again, thanks for your hard work.

03/09/09 09:56 AM #191    

Kathryn Kaul (Hunt)

I can't believe it... I am getting married in 3 weeks. I will be sure to post pics on this site. I am so excited. Can't wait to tell you all about it and show you the pics at the reunion.

03/14/09 05:46 PM #192    

Tracy Zumbaum (Head)

Well the reunion is now only about 4 months away. I just sent a mass email to the class about tickets sales. We need to get on the ball people!!! There has only been a little over 2 dozen classmates complete the attendee process. Email and bug your fellow classmates and try to get them to get their tickets purchased and finish the attendee process. Reminder: TICKETS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BE PURCHASED THE NIGHT OF THE REUNION.
The arrangements are going well and I expect it to be a great turnout. Can't wait to see everyone!!!

03/22/09 03:43 PM #193    

Leslie Robin McDermott (Ripper)

Question...did we decide on "cocktail" attire? It's be twenty years I wondered if we are dressing up somewhat?

03/24/09 06:47 PM #194    

Tracy Zumbaum (Head)

I think we covered the dress attire. I believe it will be dress casual. Just try to wear your Sunday best I would say. Please don't show up in old jeans with holes all over them or a crappy t-shirt. The reason why we decided on the Holiday Inn was because it was a nicer estabilshement so dress for it. Thanks.

04/01/09 05:16 PM #195    

Kathryn Kaul (Hunt)

Just wanted everyone to know that I am now a happily married woman. The wedding went off without a hitch and everything was perfect. I will be posting pics soon so keep your eyes open.

04/02/09 10:25 AM #196    

Aimee Ventress (Long)

Hey all - just wanted you to know that I will NOT be attending the reunion. A trip came up that I really want to go on, so I booked it and will be gone from 7/16-7/21. I hope you all have a blast! Tracy - please keep in touch with Kirstan our DJ. His email address is: I will be around until then though if you need anything at all. I will miss seeing you all, but "Family First". Love to all... Aimee

04/03/09 12:09 AM #197    

Michael Burrell

Aimee!!!! I can't believe you aren't going!

04/03/09 04:06 PM #198    

Aimee Ventress (Long)

Mike - I knew it would either be you or Michelle that got on me first. I hate it too, but I really feel I need to go on this trip with my family. My cousin Shanna passed the bar last year in Florida and she is so busy, she hardly ever comes home. Me, my mom, my aunt Anna, cousin Taylor, and my grandma are all taking this trip together. It will probably be my gma's last big trip. PLUS - I haven't had a vacation since I got married in Jamaica in 1998, so I'm really looking forward to some R&R! I love you guys! You are not that far away and we need to make it a point to just get together already! Summer is fast approaching, so a weekend visit is doable. Tell your wife not to be so hard on me... :)

04/09/09 03:48 PM #199    

Tracy Zumbaum (Head)

Aimee---I'm so bummed that you won't be able to make it to the reunion, but I can totally understand needing a much needed vacation. We will miss you. I will keep in contact with the dj. Thanks for the information. Make sure you check back here to see all the photos from the reunion. I will try to get them up as soon as possible. Take care.

04/30/09 08:24 AM #200    

Tracy Zumbaum (Head)

Hey everyone. Mike and Chris are still working on trying to get photos for our slide show that we will be showin the night of the reunion. But he needs more. I know it can be crazy busy in everyones daily lives, but if you just take a few minutes to email them it will be so worth it. Don't you want to see us in all our 80's glory, parachute pants, mullets and big know Bethalto did the
So take some time and dig them out. If you need to have them scanned you can contact me or Tina and we can meeet with you to get them done. Seriously guys, the reunion is only like 2 months away. Please Please help.

Also, if any of you owns a business or know someone who does, we are needing items for the door prizes. We can mention their business here on the website as well as a mention the night of the reunion. This is really the only thing left that needs to be done. You can contact me direct if you need to.

Bug your friends too. I will be sending emails to the class weekly until you finally cave in. You know you love me

05/31/09 06:54 PM #201    

Leslie Robin McDermott (Ripper)

Everyone, We just lost one of our own Class of 89.
Rest In Peace Mark Rothe. I don't know all the specifics, but it was suddenly today health related. Please think of his family and keep him in your prayers.

06/01/09 05:04 PM #202    

Darla Simmons (Brown)

Here are the details for Mark Rothe's funeral:

Visitation is Thursday (6/4) 4-8 p.m. at Cornerstone Church on Moreland Road. Funeral is Friday (6/5) at 11:00 a.m. at Cornerstone.

Please keep the Rothe family in your thoughts and prayers.

06/03/09 11:43 AM #203    

Kathryn Kaul (Hunt)

Jeffs mom is friends with Sharon and apparently Mark went to the block party on Saturday night and was fine and woke Sharon up on Sunday complaining of his arm hurting and as she was rubbing his arm he lost consciousness and by the time she called the ambulance he was gone. My deepest sympathies go out to his family

06/23/09 08:53 PM #204    

Tracy Zumbaum (Head)

If anyone needs to contact me please call or text me. My computer is not working at the moment and I am forced to use the ones at the library. Hope to see you all at the reunion!!!

07/08/09 08:36 PM #205    

Leslie Robin McDermott (Ripper)

Getting excited!

07/10/09 08:38 AM #206    

Dee Kristoff (Taylor)


You are doing a great job! Wanted you to know, how much

all your hard work is appreciated. Also, wanted to

Thank all the other Women and Men who have helped put

this together. Can't wait to see everyone, I'm so



Dee A. Kristoff

P.S. Don't know where to make beer selection, so here's my take: "Coors Light" I don't drink beer, but its all good!

07/13/09 11:55 PM #207    

Jason LeMarr

Well, didn't know if I would be able to make it or not in the beginning. Here it is getting closer and closer. I will not be able to make it.
I hope everyone has a great time and remain safe in your travels.

07/17/09 11:59 AM #208    

Aimee Dossett (Holland)

That's too bad, Jason. I was hoping to pick your brain about a coyote problem we're having on our property! We'll all raise a glass for you!

07/18/09 11:54 AM #209    

Jason LeMarr

Aimee, call me anytime. I am always willing to talk coyotes.

07/29/09 10:26 AM #210    

Tina Courtoise (Masiero)

ok so the reunion was a huge success and I have to say I had an amazing time seeing all of you. I have been asked by a lot of different ppl to scan the place mats. The problem is.... I did not keep any of them. I did manage to grab a few of them for a friend but there are 13 different ones. If any of you took a place mat home with you and have a scanner please scan it and email it to me at I'm so glad everyone enjoyed them so much. I have ppl from other classes wanting to see them. If nothing else I will just buy more laminate and make one of each and scan them but if I can keep from having to buy more stuff that would be great.

To those of you who could not make it, you were missed.


07/30/09 11:24 AM #211    

Leslie Robin McDermott (Ripper)

I have about 6. :)

07/30/09 05:15 PM #212    

Darla Simmons (Brown)

I have 3 of them... it may be a few days since I scan them in, but I will do it for ya, Tina!

08/17/09 07:23 PM #213    

Tracy Zumbaum (Head)

I scanned all the place mats and emailed them to her

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