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03/18/09 06:50 PM #22    

Bobby Rickard

sounds like a great thing to do jeff.I am all for it even if i can't make it.Still up in the air,but im with u on helping

03/25/09 06:21 PM #23    

Carla Riddlebaugh

Hello everyone,
Jeff that is a wonderful idea to help out Barb and I will help also. Also I hope Bobby you can make it to the reunion, would be cool to see ya, since this is my first reunion.

03/26/09 06:00 AM #24    

Laura Stephenson (Gray)

Awesome Idea Jeff. She has returned to work this week. Trying to get back into a normal routine and its been tough. Laura Stephenson Gray

03/30/09 10:34 PM #25    

T. Ferguson

Hi everyone

We are very close to final plans for the reunion. Here are some stats from the last survey.

New Washington- 3%, Kelly's Island - 26%, Attica -31%, Tiffin -69%. That being said, a new possible option has shown up. Pioneer Mill in Tiffin can hook us up with a banquet room and dinner for $20/person. (alcohol out of pocket). However, the July 18th date would not be available for this location. This is a nice place and good food. They also have an outdoor deck with a bar. Check them out.

I need to know who would be interested. If you would be willing to pay for this option, check your email and simply reply with "PM yes" or "PM no" in the subject line. The sooner everyone replies, the sooner we can solidify plans.

04/07/09 09:16 PM #26    

Jeff Skeel

Hey everyone one, just a quick comment. As far as the donations for Barb I think that the reunion would probably be the easiest time. Hopefully it will be a great turn out and anyone that can give something I'm sure would help Barb out. If you can't give anything, a shoulder would do just fine I'm sure. So lets do this and have a great reunion on top of it all. Keep smiling and have fun!

04/15/09 10:31 AM #27    

Erica Gardner (Del Coro)

Hey wanted to know if we are any closer to a date. The place really does not matter for me... just a set date for sure.

05/01/09 07:43 AM #28    

Faith Haugh (McLaughlin)

Hi Everyone. Just checking in to see if a date/place has been decided yet on the reunion. I'll be going out to CA in July so I'm hoping I won't miss the reunion, but tickets have been bought and plans are being made. Can't wait for it. But I do also want to come to the reunion as well, so I'd just like to know if anything has been decided yet or if it'll be made soon.

05/07/09 12:32 AM #29    

T. Ferguson

Hello everyone!

Well, a date has been set. Please know that much time and energy has gone into making this event work for as many as possible. It just wasn't possible to have everything work for everyone ( believe me we

Saturday, Aug 22nd at the Pionerr Mill in Tiffin, OH

The overwhelming response for the Pioner Mill made it clear that the majority wanted this option. Unfortunately that limited us on date options. The Mill books quickly for these types of banquets.I do apologise if anyone has conflicting schedules and I hope you find a way to attend.

Details will follow and we will need a final number of attendees toward the end of June, which we will collect via this website in one form or another.

Just to recap, the set menu dinner will cost around $20/person. We also may organize day event options at local golf courses and Hedges Boyer Park, as well as a tour of the new school if there is interest in these events.

As always there will be more information to come, but please mark your calendar!!

20 years!!! That's just crazy.

Feel free to check out the mill:

05/19/09 10:42 AM #30    

Erica Gardner (Del Coro)

Great it looks like we have a date!!!! I have my tickets no changing now! Although I have to let you know you put it on my husbands Birthday weekend... how cruel...anyway we will just celebrate before I leave!!! :) See you all there!

05/21/09 09:52 AM #31    

Glenn Holmes

August 22, got the night off from work see you all there

06/09/09 01:23 AM #32    

T. Ferguson

Hello Everyone!

I hope this finds you all well. On the class website home page you will notice two new headings on the top left hand column. " Reunion registration" and " Reunion Details". You will all need to complete these as soon as possible, so we can get a head count and finalize a menu. If you know someone who plans to attend but is not signed up to the website please have them contact karen Aicholz at 567.224.7695 or e-mail her:

07/25/09 04:38 PM #33    

T. Ferguson

Hello everyone!!

Just wanted to touch base with you.

The class website lists 68 active members, however, we only have about 30 people confirmed for the reunion!!?

We need a final headcount so the Pioneer Mill can make dinner arrangements. So please fill out the registration on the class website or send Karen or myself an email/call letting us know you are attending.

IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO ATTEND! Any class member is welcome to attend regardless of whether you have registered or not. Last minute walk-ins are welcome!! The registration was to know how much food to prepare.

The menu includes:

Baked chicken/Fettuccine Alfredo , Twice baked potato/Assorted sautéed vegetables, Salad W/Ranch /Red French/ low fat Italian and Non- alcoholic beverages. Payment for dinner will be taken care of that evening. We are not sure at this point if we will all pay individually or take a collection and pay the restaurant in a lump sum. I will let you know, but plan to have cash available just in case.

Lodging- As far as I know and according to the class website, no one needs or wanted lodging. If this is not the case please contact myself or Karen asap.

We have a group interested in golfing and have designated Randy Joseph to head that up.

I assume that will be in the morning, (9-ish) but contact Randy for details if you are interested in attending.

We also have a tour of the new school, which as of right now, will immediately precede dinner. (around 3 or 4-ish). I believe Andrea (Langjahr) Saylors will be helping arrange that event. Contact Karen for more details.

If anyone has videos, photos, CD, DVD, etc. of any previous reunion or from high school in general, please contact me. AV equipment may be available to us at the dinner.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Trampas- 248.249.1481

Karen- 567.224.7695

08/03/09 10:44 AM #34    

T. Ferguson

Hi all!

Ok, so ...

Some folks are wondering about details for the 22nd. Let me remind you to always check your email and the class site Forum for updated info.

That being said, the Pioneer Mill will generate a final bill from the number of people we tell them are attending.

Therefore, the bill will be complete before we ever show up. Now, if you have let us know you are coming and then do not end up in attendance, they CAN NOT take you off the bill. Those that attend will end up having to cover the difference, so please do not take attendance lightly. Normally, we could cover such a situation with class funds, but...we have none. :)!

So upon arrival, if not before, see Karen to pay ( $20 per PERSON). Cash please.

Again, if you want to golf email Randy Joseph. His email was posted on my last forum entry.


08/07/09 02:17 PM #35    

Karen Aichholz (Niedermeier)

Hello everyone,

The time is getting closer! Are you all I really that old? Has it really been that long since we had senior skip day?

Those of you that are planning on making the dinner PLEASE click on to the reunion details and at least put in that you are coming and if you are bringing a guest. We have to let Pioneer Mill know next week how many will attend. It is $20.00 per person. They WILL make us pay for those of us who say they are attending and don't show so please only say you are attending if you are planning on being there. You can either email me at or call my cell at 567-224-7695. These are the people that need to respond yet that is registered on our site:

Athy (Winbigler), Raycine
Beamer (Snavely), Brenda
Bordner (Sipe), Tracy
Bowerman, Rodney
Buckley, Matt
Bumb, Mark
Carson (Keaton), Kristina
Chapman, John
Covert (O'Connor), Melissa
Daniel (Butler), Laura
Featheringill (Scherf), Angie
Ferguson, Trampas
Fox, John
Hamilton, Brad
Hammons, John
Heiser, Steve
Hess, Rodney
Hite (Passeno), Barbara
Holmer, Mike
Holmes, Fred
Keaton (Daniel), Penny
Kochel, Ben
Magers, Scott
Mason (Huffman), Tina
Mittower (Reichert), Dawn
Rickard, Bobby
Riedlinger, Brett
Roth (Rasmussen), Amy
Sauber ., James “JJ”
Schank (Prevost), Kelly
Seasly, Steve
Skeel, Jeff
Stephens, Terry
Stevens (Humphries), Dawnmarie (Dee)
Stockmaster, Vicki
Thompson, Brandon
Tolbert, Chad
Willman, Vince

Those of you planning on lodging or golfing please email Randy Joseph ASAP at

Those of you that have blackmail....I mean pictures of back in the day feel free to bring them for a good laugh!

Hope to see you all soon!


08/17/09 01:38 PM #36    

T. Ferguson


Pioneer Mill Restaurant, 255 Riverside Dr, Tiffin, OH "Top of the Mill" room. 6PM- doors open.

Dress Attire: Casual

Full cash bar available.

Menu: Baked chicken/Fettuccine Alfredo , Twice baked potato/Assorted sauteed vegetables, Salad W/Ranch /Red French/ low fat Italian and Non- alcoholic beverages. $20 per person. Cash on arrival.

School Tour: 4pm.

SEHS- U.S.-224, Attica, Ohio (at the curve)

!! It's not too late to attend! Anyone is welcome to attend the free after dinner socializing (beginning around 8pm), regardless of being registered!!

08/23/09 08:01 PM #37    

Barbara Hite (Passeno)

Class of '89,

I wanted to take a minute to say Thank you to everyone for their support - both emotionally and financially. It was great to see everyone at the reunion and I am touched that the donations were taken for the kids.

Thank you,
Barbara (Hite) Passeno

11/07/09 08:31 AM #38    

Erica Gardner (Del Coro)

Hey Tramp wheres the photos?????

06/02/11 12:01 AM #39    

T. Ferguson

new announcement from Laura Stephenson Gray:

Well a lot less of me will be seen at the 25th reunion. I have currently lost 70 pounds since Oct. 4. 2010. I hope to be at my ideal weight by end of year but if not I will keep trucking along so I can look like a new person for our 25th reunion, just three short years away. My boys finished 6th and 9th grade this year. Time sure if flying away.

02/22/12 04:23 PM #40    

Karen Aichholz (Niedermeier)

Hello classmates!

Since Real Estate is so slow and I have time on my hands I have found many of my classmates and/or their family members have some money coming to them.Everyone go to

and look up their name and start hunting for your family members too. I have found over $2,000 that people have already claimed -unfortunately none for myself :(-so this is no joke! Anything over $100 has to have a notary on the paperwork you fill out but that is no big deal because you will get a check in the mail about 2 months later (yes, you have to be patient) Remember I charge a finders fee. HaHa


If you do end up claiming some money- if you want -send me a little message. I am just curious how much more gets added to that $2,000.


Hope to hear from you soon!

06/19/14 07:40 AM #41    

T. Ferguson

Just wondering if anyone remembers Sean from the Attica Elementary third grade class who passed from cancer during our third grade school year in Attica? (He lived with his Mom behind the dairy queen, his mother ran the ceramics shop back in the day....for the life of me I can't remember his last name??) Wouldn't it be nice if we were to add his info to our Deceased Classmates? Anyways, just a thought & suggestion :) Have a great day! Ang 


06/20/14 12:58 PM #42    

Karen Aichholz (Niedermeier)

Yes. It was Sean Keefer. I worked with his (what would have been) sister in law and was AMAZED at how much her son resembled Sean. I visit his grave in Attica every now and then. Even though we were young I very much remember Sean. He was a good kid.

06/20/14 05:24 PM #43    

T. Ferguson

Party At Jeff Harpers

Class party at the Harper's on July 26 th from 4 pm-? Bring chairs,dish to share,BYOB,and drinks,pictures and children if you want. I will have corn hole,horse shoes and swimming. Bonfire later,dinner is at 5! Camping in the back 40 or hotels are 3 min. away on rt.250! Bring your own towels if swimming. Hope to see you all soon!
Harpers Address. 11820 Mudbrook rd. Milan ,Ohio 44846. Phone. 419-706-0439

07/07/14 11:30 PM #44    

Faith Haugh (McLaughlin)

With the reunion growing nearer, I was wondering if there was any new information for the reunion on the 9th?

Also, I was wondering if there was anyone going that was planning to stay overnight that would be willing to let me room with them that night. I've looked around for rooms but most are out of my price range. Please message me to let me know. Thank you.

07/09/14 12:12 PM #45    

T. Ferguson

Here is some info for the reunion day. I will post something more detailed soon. Jason Biller will also be posting on the fb page. This is a general breakdown of the day and where things will be happening if people want to come early and meet up as the day progresses.

Saturday Aug 9

130pm Meet and Greet mixer. Venture Resort / Kelley’s Island Brewery (next door to resort)

300pm Kelley’s Island Wine Co.

630pm Casino restaurant- Happy Hour drinks

730pm Casino restaurant Dinner

900pm Pretend we are still 18.

12 Midnight Ferry

07/15/14 10:00 PM #46    

Jason Biller

We now have group rate discounts for anyone wanting to take the Kelleys Island Ferry over to Kelleys Island to attend the class reunion.

Normal pricing per (adult) person is $10 One Way or $20 Round Trip.
NOW if you mention you are with "Seneca East class of '89 class reunion" (or similar) a Round Trip will now only be $15.50 per person.
This is good for the day of the reunion ONLY, Saturday, August 9th. However, it will be honored ALL DAY, you do NOT have to be at the ferry at a certain time or "with the group" to get this special pricing. It will also be honored if you are going over on Saturday and staying the night for your return trip on Sunday, as long as you buy both trips at one time on that Saturday.
This discount applies for human transport ONLY, vehicles are NOT included. If you want to take your car across it will cost normal rates. 

Kelleys Island Ferry leaves from Marblehead, Ohio 
Marblehead Ferry Dock, 510 West Main St ? Marblehead, OH 43440 
Ph: 419-798-9763 ?

They do not take reservations and you can not purchase tickets online or in advance. 
First boat departs from Marblehead as early as 7:00 am. Last boat to leave Kelleys Island departs at 12:30 am (Sunday morning).

Please tell as many classmates as possible, even if you think they may already know. Any questions please ask.

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