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•   Heather Hughes  8/1
•   Bunnie Simon (Brush)  8/12
•   Donna Cox  8/18


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•   Lindsay Hughes (LaPre)  2/22
•   Elizabeth (Beth) Lewis (Hughes)  11/17
•   Chester W. (Butch) Hughes, Jr.  3/6
•   Kathy Smith  7/19
•   Heather Hughes  9/7
•   Jennifer Anne Josher (Hughes)  8/26
•   James Lincoln Hughes  8/25
•   Jill Justine Hughes  4/6
•   Bunnie Simon (Brush)  3/1
•   Jacqueline Hannah Rock (Thompson)  2/21
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Percentage of Joined family members: 33.3%

A:   23   Joined
B:   46   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


 ~ Welcome to the official ~

 Hughes Family

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"The family should be a closely knit group. The home should be a self-contained shelter of security; a kind of school where life’s basic lessons are taught; and a kind of church where God is honored; a place where wholesome recreation and simple pleasures are enjoyed."

--Billy Graham, “My Answer,” syndicated newspaper column



~the next generation~


-The Hughes Family -                       



Our House


By Edgar Guest

We play at our house and have all sorts of fun,
An’ there’s always a game when supper is done;
An’ at our house there’s marks on the walls an’ the stairs,
An’ some terrible scratches on some of the chairs;
An’ ma says that our house is surely a fright,
But pa and I say that our house is all right.

At our house we laugh an’ we sing an’ we shout,
An’ whirl all the chairs and the tables about,
An’ I rassle my pa an’ I get him down too,
An’ he’s all out of breath when the fightin’ is through;
Am’ ma says our house is surely a sight,
But pa an’ I say that our house is all right.

I’ve been to houses with pa where I had
To sit in a chair like a good little lad,
An’ there wasn’t a mark on the walls an’ the chairs,
An’ the stuff that we have couldn’t come up to theirs;
An’ pa said to ma that for all of their joy
He wouldn’t change places and give up his boy.

They never have races nor rassles nor fights.
Coz they have no children to play with at nights;
An’ their walls are all clean and their curtains hang straight,
An’ everthing’s shiny an’ right up to date;
But pa says with all of its racket an’ fuss,
He’d rather by far live at our house with us.















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