25 Yr Reunion Photos

 Below are all of the reunion photos so far. We'll caption them soon, but for now, you'll have to figure out who is who. If you took photos you'd like to post, email them to jvhobday@comcast.net.

Also, thanks to Cheryl Moriarity for taking most of these photos!

And a big thanks to the other reunion committee members for all of your work. We'll have to continue the planning dinners just for fun!

Bob Christensen (rmc@robertmchristensen.com)

Sheri (Cronin) Lewis (slewi1@amfam.com)

Janet (Hallgren) Silversmith (jsilversmith@mnmed.org)

John Hobday (jvhobday@comcast.net)

Cheryl Moriarity-Kaley (cmoriarty@co.scott.mn.us)

Brenda Vizenor (Breviz222@aol.com)

Click a link below.

 Tour of the New Shakopee High School, 8/8/2008

All Class Gathering at Canterbury Inn, 8/8/2008

Picnic at Memorial Park, 8/9/2008

Reunion Dinner at Dangerfield's, 8/9/2008

Teachers Brunch at Turtles, 8/10/2008

Happy Hour at Arnie's, 8/10/2008


  Tour of the New Shakopee High School, 8/8/2008




























All Class Gathering at Canterbury Inn, 8/8/2008

(with an unscheduled stop to the Pullman!)

















 Picnic at Memorial Park, 8/9/2008












 Reunion Dinner at Dangerfield's, 8/9/2008














































 Teacher's Brunch, 8/10/2008








 Happy Hour at Arnie's, 8/9/2008