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02/02/09 10:32 AM #1    

Kent Hutchison

Welcome to the Orangefield High School Class Of 1986 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

04/13/09 01:12 PM #2    

Martie Haley (Broussard)

Does everyone remember the black "Memories" book we got when we were seniors? Does anyone still have theirs? Mine was destroyed in a flood years ago and I would love to make copies of high school photos for posterity's sake! It may be a good idea to have everyone bring their old memorabilia with them at the next gathering. I know that personally I would enjoy seeing the younger, skinnier version of me again!! All my best to everyone, Martie Haley Broussard

08/01/09 08:18 PM #3    

Scott Kennedy

Martha, i still have my Black Memories book so maybe the next time i am down to southeast texas i will bring it to you.

08/04/09 08:09 PM #4    

Holly Sunday (Warren)

martha i still have my black memories book too... Holly

03/17/10 12:15 PM #5    

Lisa Tingle (Cooper)

I Lisa Tingle cooper would like to thank Kent for this web site because for many years after we graduated I lost contact with all of you, and I always wondered how everyone was doing , and now, I think this is a great way to stay in touch. I personally can't wait until our 25th reunion because i was not able to attend any of the others. Thanks Kent and also special thanks to Scott too you guys are the greatest

07/01/10 01:54 PM #6    

Cliff Reeves

Martie, I still have my memories book. I just looked at it a few months ago and there are some pics of you in it. I'd be glad to run it by to you sometime, I think I remember how to get to your house.

07/13/11 09:48 PM #7    

Martie Haley (Broussard)

I would love to see any and all of your memory books!! Before,during or after the reunion!! Just call me anytime, if I don't answer I am working so I will call back asap! 466-8415 Thanks!!!

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