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12% of all sales go directly to our class.


•   Jamie Webb (Skiles)  2/13
•   Jason Valentine  2/12
•   Robert Miller  4/16
•   Barbi Hanssen (Levengood)  10/19
•   Mindy Psomiades (Ickes)  8/19
•   Christy Norcia (Tallman)  9/24
•   Jason Franks  5/24
•   Mike Macioce  9/4
•   Stacey Evans (Beard)  8/31
•   Rocco Risaliti  8/31
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Arizona
1 lives in California
1 lives in Colorado
2 live in District Of Columbia
4 live in Florida
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in New York
88 live in Ohio
3 live in South Carolina
1 lives in Texas
1 lives in Virginia
1 lives in West Virginia
2 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Wyoming
1 lives in Ireland
231 location unknown


•   Mike E Hutcheson  10/11
•   Julie Spitz (Wellendorf)  10/14
•   Andrew Bolden  10/18
•   Julia Swonger (Ricker)  10/22


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 35.6%

A:   129   Joined
B:   233   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Class of 1995.... Did you have a blast at the 20 year reunion?

Here is a recap on the photos:

Email us if you would like to add your photos to the list at 




Our seats are reserved in the 30 yard line section closest to the tennis courts, look out for our banner, see below:

Jackson banner

See you friday for the game and Saturday for the reunion!

If you didn't get your ticket, no worries we have a list and your name tag is the in for your food and drinks!


The final count after the last day of ticket sales: 130 attendees!  We are excited so many of you are coming.

Wondering who is going or if your friends signed up? Login into your reunion page profile – Click “Classmate Profiles” then select “Attending 1995 Class Reunion (8/29/15)” and then click “Search”


Dress Code for reunion: None. Come as you feel comfortable.  The nice thing about Willowdale is we can be outside near the pavilion and lake or inside in the hall.

Great news.... Ticket sales are now extended until 08/08/15. But don't wait to get your ticket, order yours now!!

Can't wait to see you all!

Due to Lack of interest...... The Golf Outing ONLY has been cancelled

If you have questions or concerns regarding getting the tickets or any other questions please email the committee at

See you ALL there.... This will be a blast, food, open bar and fun all provided in the price of the ticket.... Only $35.00 a piece! Wow what a deal!

Welcome Everyone to the Jackson High School Class of 1995 Website. 

We will be updating all information on and from this site so make sure you create a Classmate Profile.  

For those that are not too sure how to create one, frown go to the first time visitors page tab and read how to set one up.  Be sure to check out all the forums and Contact Us mailwith any question you may have. laugh

Our 20 Year Reunion is coming up! I know ... where did the time go ?? wink Cannot wait to see you all there! August 28th we have 1st game of the year to cheer on the Bears in our own section.  August 29th 2015 will be the Golf scramble at Rolling Greens Golf and that evening the Reunion PARTY at Willowdale Lake Country Club.  So click on 20 year reunion to get your tickets today.

You must be logged in to submit this survey. Please use the login box in the upper right corner.

1)   Do you plan on attending the 20 year reunion the evening of 08/29/15?

Yes No
