In Memory

Henry Howard

Henry Howard

Hank died on Wednesday, February 7, 1996 in San Francisco, CA due to complications from pneumonia. 

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12/08/08 03:10 PM #5    

Mike Moore

Hank and I lived on the same street in Green Valley growing up. I will always remember the enormous artistic talents that he had. He could draw anything you asked him to with perfection. He was just a great guy that I knew even then would make a mark in this world. I was really saddened to hear of his passing. He is sorely missed on this earth.

12/08/08 03:28 PM #6    

Allen Ingram

Hank was always kind, upbeat, and a true joy to be around.

12/08/08 07:06 PM #7    

Carol Grolnick (Rappaport)

I loved being around Hank.
We would run together and talk during track practice and when I trained a little with the boys' cross country team he helped me keep up with the guys with his encouragement and jokes. He was kind enough to go to the Twerp dance with me and that night I felt more comfortable than on any other date in high school. He just had a way of making those around him feel a little freer and happier. I am so sad he is gone and know those close to him must feel a deep loss. I will always remember his spirit and smile.

12/08/08 09:50 PM #8    

Keith Hendrickson

I believe I met Hank way back in the 5th grade...maybe even earlier. One of the funniest stories I remember actually took place in the 6th grade. Several times a week after lunch we would get free time to draw or whatever. Hank and a bunch of guys decided to draw our version of I guess would be comparable to today's SIMS City. It included just about every kind of business and building you could imagine. All the guys would go to Hank to draw their women that were in their cities...Hank could draw just about anything. As the weeks passed, some of the drawings began to get a bit elaborate...and even some a bit risqué...if you catch my drift. And at some point the teacher finally decided to see what the big commotion was. All of the guys that had their names on their drawings got in a bunch of trouble...the smart guys left their names off.
Did I mention that Hank was really smart too?

12/09/08 09:18 AM #9    

Sandra Neustel

My most vivid memories of Hank were of his wonderful and elaborate drawings. Whenever I think of Hank, I think of him as an artist. I even developed a bit of a crush on him in 6th grade because of it. I remember sitting across from him in class and watching his drawings come to life.

12/09/08 09:55 AM #10    

Leslie Lewis (Bryan)

I went to our Junior Prom with Hank. I really had no intention of going at all, but Hank made me the most beautiful handmade invitation so there was no way I could resist. We were both on the track team and that is how we knew one another. We had a fantastic time at the Prom. He picked me up and we went to dinner and then to his house to meet his parents who were absolutley the nicest people I have ever met and then proceeded to dance and mingle the night away. He was Editor of the Yearbook, so he was also responsible for taking pictures, etc. It was a wonderful time and one that I still have fond memories of.
Hank was a true gentleman and I will always remember him for that.

12/09/08 08:27 PM #11    

Anne Hunt (Reynolds)

I remember a guy who's smile lit up the hallways and being in awe of his wonderful talents.

12/12/08 04:59 PM #12    

Roger Schickedantz (Schickedantz)

Hank was the manager for my ill fated political run for 9th grade class president at Kiser. I guess in those watergate-era years he had enough savvy to know that every campaign needs a manager.

Hank was responsible for the brilliant graphic design strategy; meaning the posters and the paper equivalent of campaign buttons. Unfortunately that was not enough to overcome my naive political skills... probably a good life lesson to have learned early in our careers.

Thanks Hank for your support and for being a good friend.

12/14/08 10:10 PM #13    

Jay Bennett

Hank and I ran cross county and track at GHS, and I knew him since our youth days at FBC. He always had a dry sense of humor that was somewhat quirky. A great person to be around and teammate to have. We were also in Donovan Darnell's Architectural drawing class and I remember Mr. D always holding Hanks work up as a great example of "true talent" that we should all learn to emulate. He was a great guy that we all miss today.

Jay Bennett

01/06/09 07:50 AM #14    

David Reynolds

Hank and I were close friends through our Kiser and GHS years. We were Boy Scouts together in troop 166. Our troop would meet once a week in a "shack" located behind Sternberger Elementary. We went to Scout Camp together out at Brown Summit. One of my favorite stories about Hank is the time a bunch of us decided to take my parents Suburban and go camping up on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We went to Slidng Rock and other places but it seemed like we were always having to put gas in the car. As is turned out my parents car was leaking fuel so we decided to head back a day early. When we got back to Hank's house no one was ready to go home so we moved all of the furniture around in Hank's living room and camped out in his house for the last night. I am saddened that Hank couldn't be with us in October for our reunion. And although we lost touch after high school was over I miss my old friend.

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